Ricky Joe Bishop
Ricky Joe Bishop is a Two Time Grand National Turkey Calling Champion, World Champion Two Man Team Calling, US Open Calling Champion, Mid America Calling Champion, and a Four Time Georgia State Calling Champion. Ricky is an avid bow, deer, and turkey hunter for over 40 years. He is also an inventor and call designer for the last 30 years with patents on several calls and outdoor products like the Thunderdome slate call, Pump Action Yelper, Bobble Head deer, and Bobble turkey to name a few.

Chris Nyhus
I am a full time Firefighter/Paramedic and an avid outdoorsman. Brand Ambassador for Browning Brands, OnxHunt, Alps Outdoorz, HHA Sports and Vortex Optics. I am also a team hunter with The Break TV on the Pursuit Channel. My passions are whitetails and western big game and of course chasing strutters in the spring. I have been documenting hunts on film for over 10 years and my fondest memories are capturing my sons first turkey and deer on film along with my fiance's first deer this past fall!